VIDEOS: Start your Due Diligence Here:
Thankfully – there are lots of people who have begun to speak out about MATRIX FREEDOM and Iin Clifford aka Iain Stamp – see the Complaints tab.
Some of the most entertaining and informative video evidence comes from a man called: “TheSpaniard” aka Simon.
Simon makes educational videos available on his White Rabbit Trust you tube channel.
WATCH these Videos in order to Understand the Nature of the MATRIX FREEDOM SCAM>>>
We are aware that Iain Stamp has tried to silence Spaniard by filing False Copyright and Defamation Claims (via you tube) against Spaniard in an effort to remove the videos which we reproduce below.
In the videos below you can see and hear Stamp plotting to take down a website on which Simon makes his educational content available.
We will do our utmost to ensure that these videos remain available to you – we are aware that Iain Stamp has made multiple attempts to have this website taken down.
We therefore urge all victims of this scam to download copies of these videos and upload them elsewhere on the internet as a warning to all.
We suggest you ask Stamp for proof. Stamp claims an ability to access £hundreds of millions in the Cestui Que Vie trust. If that is so – why does he charge for his “services”.
Having promised to wipe off debts and mortgages, Stamp failed. He then “evolved” his scam by creating “securities” in the form of bank transfers so as to perform inflated 1099 claims.
He is now touting an ability to access the Cestui Que Vie. BEFORE you BUY anything – ask for proof that he can do what he claims – because he cannot!
We suspect that a full blown PONZI scheme is now in operation whereupon some people will have debts cleared to enable others to be enticed into the scheme.
We have seen the video in which Iain Stamp, Simone Phillips and Lauren Collins relay “information” about the new scheme. A copy of that video will be soon be made public. WARNING – PONZI SCHEME.
We start with Video #1:
IMPORTANT UPDATE: We are also aware that MATRIX FREEDOM are now offering unsuspecting victims the opportunity to “buy a house for free”. Stamp rents his home – so he has clearly not even achieved this for himself.
In multiple emails and videos Stamp advertises a 100% track record of writing off mortgages.
We have presented many of his email communications and claims on this website.
Stamp began offering a Mortgage Write Off Service via Mortgagefree. Stamp has NEVER written off a Mortgage.
The claims by Kevin Stanford (one of Iain’s business partners) that Stamp had successfully written off a mortgage have been proven false.
Many of his victims fell for these lies.
Iain Stamp has been falsely claiming that Simon the Spaniard works with him, or form him.
Simon has consistently denied this.
The simple truth is: Stamp wanted Simon to work for him, but Simon refused.
Simon has informed us that Andrew Jackman acted as the middle man making multiple offers of employment on Iain’s behalf.
Iain wanted to justify using information from Simon’s website – that’s why he employed Andy and wanted to recruit Simon.
Video #2 ~ Buttocks Exposed
Video #3 ~ the Master-Debater
Stamp dispatches his staff and agents to attack Simon.
Iain claims he wants a public debate and states that if Simon refuses – he will hold a debate with himself.
We are all waiting to see Iain hold a debate with himself.
Iain has not yet rebutted anything which Simon has presented. Iain could only produce videos which made accusations against Spaniard, and did NOT disprove any of the marketing lies we know to be true.
One of the funniest videos you will see
Simon calls out Stamp for the big bold marketing claims he has made.
We, the victims, know this to be true.
Stamp has a history of similar behaviour. Advertising “services” he would like to offer!
Video #4 ~ Blue Sky Marketing
Video #5 ~ Credit Ratings are Screwed and they Can't Write Off Mortgages
It’s clear that some members of staff within Matrix Freedom do have a conscience.
Simon reveals he has an inside Source and the Source has revealed that Spaniard’s videos have placed Stamp under pressure – so much so that Stamp has had to admit he cannot do what he is claiming.
Despite this video being posted online in May 2022 – Matrix Freedom continued to sell the Mortgage Write Off Scheme, and the Debt Wipe Off Scheme until August 2022
Spaniard gives us the benefit of his knowledge and explains how victims of Matrix Freedom can clawback their payments using Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
This explains why Stamp no longer accepts credit card payments and instead demands that customers make Bank Transfers. It means the payments cannot be clawed back.
To protect his ill-gotten gains – once you have paid Stamp then quickly moves the money to his other companies (see the videos after Video #9)
Video #6 ~ How to Get a Refund
Video #7 ~ Documentary Proof ~ Iain Clifford Stamp is Called Out
In this video Spaniard presents more evidence to substantiate his claims about Matrix Freedom.
The interesting thing to note is that Spaniard uses Iain’s own words, videos, emails and website to make his points.
Following an email demand from Iain Stamp (which we have seen) – in which Stamp wants Spaniard to post a video explaining his motivations for making his videos, Spaniard obliges.
Stamp clearly didn’t like what he heard and promptly filed claims against the video to have it taken down.
It appears very clear to us that Spaniard had no alternative but to post videos because a certain someone was using his reputation to sell Matrix Freedom products and services.
Video #8 ~ Spaniard explains his Motivations for making these Videos
Video #9 ~ the Videos Stamp Doesn't Want you to See
The Insider at Matrix Freedom leaks internal management meetings which reveal a side to Iain Stamp he does not want you to see.
It is clear that Iain presents one persona yet beneath it all he is filled with darkness.
The internal videos which appear below are quite shocking.
Spaniard has shown us the Police Report in which this video was handed to Police and Regulatory Authorities
We are disappointed to note that the Police have done nothing to date
Why would the authorities allow this type of behaviour to go unchecked? It is clear that we must resolve this matter ourselves.
10 May 2022 ~ Stamp's true Nature - Conspiracy to Hack Simon's Website Part #1
10 May 2022 ~ Stamp's true Nature - Conspiracy to Hack Simon's Website Part #2
Those present include:
Iain Stamp
Andrew Jackman aka Andrew Donald (has since left)
Terry Franks
Fiona Keen
Lauren Collins (has since left)
Amy Kelly (has since left)
Kirsty McKenzie
Simone Phillips
When Stamp was confronted by this video posting – he denied ever having said that he could clear debt “without affecting credit ratings” yet here he is admitting that he has screwed credit ratings.
This is the problem when you habitually lie. You either forget what you have said or you become so accustomed to lying that you simply lie in the face of overwhelming proof.
Iain must really think that you and I are idiots.
31 May 2022 ~ Stamp Admits he has Screwed Credit Ratings
31 May 2022 - Full Council Meeting
This is a recording of the FULL COUNCIL meeting which took place on 31st May 2022.
In this meeting Stamp (the one who looks like Marc Almond – the singer) can be heard:
* Admitting he has Screwed Credit Ratings
* Admitting he cannot Write Off Mortgages
* Directing Staff to steal information from other websites under the guise of “research”. Stamp makes it clear that his intention is to use information (ie: monetisation).
In April 2022 this video was captured from a Management team Council meeting.
It is clear that Matrix Freedom is a highly lucrative business, and has generated £millions.
Stamp pays his management team members circa £55k – £60k per annum.
Junior staff are paid circa £30k per annum.
Yet few, if any, have any experience.
They are Making £500k per Month
Moving the Money through Different Companies

Even I know that when you have a Private Member’s Association you must keep the money in a separate bank Account.
Matrix Freedom is a PMA when it suits Iain, otherwise, there are no votes, and the money flows into Iain’s Personal Bank Account, or Iain’s Gold Purchases, or Iain’s Crypto account and or Iain’s other Companies (see attached Scan as at 1st May 2022).
This shows he had ample monies to refund people even back then!
Iain has launched a new spin on his Debt Wipe Off Service.
Staff at Matrix Freedom have been instructed to tell customers that they can continue paying their debts and in so doing prevent any adverse credit rating.
Spaniard correctly asks the question: “so what are we paying you for iain?”
Video #10 ~ Debt Wipe Scam
Video #11 ~ Stumped
Following the now infamous cringe-fest that was Dr Sam White’s interview in which Sam White claims to have conducted due diligence ~ Spaniard humiliates both White and Stamp with this response.
In stamp’s emails to Spaniard from April 2022, Stamp denies taking any of Spaniard’s information, yet in his CODA interview bundle, Stamp changes his tune and does a 180 degree about turn.
Stamp now wants us to believe that Spaniard misled him.
How can anyone have misled Stamp if Stamp does all his own due-diligence and testing?
The records show that in all likelihood Stamp stole his process from Spaniard. Stamp himself states that Spaniard was “planning” to use the process on a mortgage [a future event]. Stamp then decided to advertise a PAST track record of success which he himself does NOT possess.
In this EXCLUSIVE video (filmed between January/February 2023) Iain Stamp lays out his new approach for dealing with refund requests.
1. He calls anyone asking for a refund – a “Refund Seeker”
2. He claims that his customers are “brain-dead”
3. He claims that Refund Seekers should seek refunds from themselves because they are directing their own process – even though I and others can clearly recall paying money to Mr Stamp!
It seems clear to the MFVSG team that Mr Stamp is never going to voluntarily offer refunds, despite not completing the debt elimination processes for the vast majority of his customers.
Stamp Claims he NEVER Offered a Debt Elimination Service!
Iain Stamp threatens Customers with UCC1 Liens
11th March 2023: Simon aka TheSpaniard of White Rabbit Trust reviews the affidavit / lien claims that Iain Stamp is now threatening to issue his customers IF they refuse to show support for Matrix Freedom.
In an astonishing move, Iain Stamp recently emailed his customers and threatened them.
Either you swear an affidavit renouncing any support of the MFVSG – OR Mr Stamp will lien your property!
Elsewhere on this site we have repeated the “opendemocracy” article featuring Angela Musso. Mr Stamp sent Angela a lien Affidavit and in this video Simon reviews the content and shows that Mr Stamp isn’t quite as knowledgeable as he makes out.
It makes for very interesting viewing!
Stamp: "Get Refunds from Yourself"
Iain Stamp can be heard clearly stating that Customers are directing their own process and are therefore seeking refunds from themselves.
But how can this be so? We paid Iain Stamp to provide a Service and that Service was to eliminate debts (Mortgages / Loans / Credit Cards) and now he denies saying it!
He clearly thinks we are so dumb or “Brain-dead” that we have forgotten what he said in his videos, and what his sales staff said!
He has shown his true colours to everyone. The MFVSG therefore recommends you report Stamp to Trading Standards and we prosecute him.
Stamp: "We Only Sold Information"
In the video above – Mr Stamp explains the new “response” his Management Team are to offer unhappy customers.
“We didn’t offer a debt elimination service”
“We only sold information”.
As Simon asks: “what did we pay Mr Stamp to do?”
Do you know Iain Stamp?
We want to ensure that Iain Stamp is actually Iain Stamp!
Since his story changes as frequently as the direction of the wind, we feel it would be prudent to conduct a full background check on Mr Stamp.
Do you know Iain Clifford Stamp aka Iain Compton Stamp?
We want to track down his family and friends and we want to ask them whether he was always like this.
If you have information about Iain Stamp please email:
We may hire a private investigator.
Many customers of Matrix Freedom were told that Simon the Spaniard worked with Iain Stamp.
In this video: it is admitted that Simon the Spaniard NEVER worked with Mr Stamp and did in fact “turn-him-down” in 2019.
Mr Stamp appears to be very bitter about it.
he seems to think that people are stupid for not working with him, yet as we are well aware, many of those who have worked with him, live to regret doing so.
Mr Stamp appears to attack anyone who leaves his employment.
Admitted: Simon Spaniard NEVER worked with Iain Stamp
This video was recorded February 2023 during a management team meeting.
Mr Stamp is talking about a hypothetical court case against Simon Spaniard.
Listen carefully: Mr Stamp makes it clear that he hopes to have the “evidence” of success by the time he gets to court, which means he DOES NOT HAVE THE EVIDENCE OF RESULTS RIGHT NOW.
In this audio clip Mr Stamp claims to have invited Simon the Spaniard to a live debate.
We ourselves have invited Mr Stamp to face his customers. He refused.
Spaniard has informed us that during 2022 Mr Stamp invited him to post videos online outlining his “allegations” of wrong doing. Mr Stamp said he would rebut everything.
Spaniard posted videos to you tube (as seen on this webpage), but when he did – Mr Stamp complained to have them taken down.
Mr Stamp wants a debate on his terms.
Rice TV has offered to chair a debate between Stamp and Spaniard, but Mr Stamp has declined. So what game is Mr Stamp playing? Does he want to discuss the issues publicly? It seems very clear to us (from our own experience) that Mr Stamp does not want to face his many unhappy customers.
Stamp invites Spaniard to a Debate
Stamp is now advertising his new SPC and 1099 tax reclaim service based on the results of others – therefore you need to not only see proof of results (concept) from these “Others”, but also proof of results from Stamp.
Simply saying you have had results is NOT THE SAME as proving you have had results.
Testimonials provided on Stamp’s emails merely confirm that people have attended his office based presentation.
promises – promises – promises – promises
Before moving onto something new – Stamp should deliver on the promises he has already made for which he has already been paid.
Stamp is attempting to pass the buck and blame everyone else other than himself.
If you look at his past failed “business” ventures you will find the exact same pattern.